Wednesday, February 1, 2012


One may procrastinate packing all they want but the plane will still depart at the pre-arranged time. This trip is full of tough lessons already. I should have listened more closely to Graham and practiced Balancing Stick to help prevent procrastination.
Goodbye, my beloved city. Goodbye, my beautiful apartment. Goodbye to my incredible friends, family, and colleagues. (Goodbye, Pancake Month @ Clinton Street Baking Company.) You've all displayed such patience with me and provided so much for me. For that, I am eternally grateful.
Trying to exchange dollars for foreign currency at the last minute is not recommended; it takes three business days at most banks. Cleaning the refrigerator before packing clothing is not the best idea. But making the time to sit at Whole Foods for one last healthy NYC meal is a good one.
I'm off .......................


  1. New York will still be here when you return, enjoy every moment of your trip, I'm sure you wont miss wholefood, but we will miss you here. I wish I was going to Thailand!

  2. It is not that you left any of these comforts behind, but that you are taking them with you...just in travel size containers. Safe travels...and remember to breathe.

  3. You weren't late and it's not over.
