Wednesday, March 7, 2012

What a terrific day today. I started off with a trip on the scooter in order to watch the sunrise. Granted, things did not go as planned, I was still able to find a nice spot to enjoy the spectacle. I didn't make it to the View Point that's listed on the map but it's probably better that I didn't. It likely would have been crowded with other tourists if I had. But rather, I veered off of the road and found a spot that was completely secluded and I had it entirely to myself. I mean, it smelled absolutely rancid (… that seems to happen from time to time in Thailand,) but the sites were well worth it. The fleet of old, run-down long-tail boats made for nice foreground subjects. I also found a cozy little swing that had been attached to the branch of a tree: perfect front row seat.
Another benefit of getting a bit lost is that I discovered a vegetarian place. See, things are hard once again. I was so into the groove of where to go and what to order in Chiang Mai. Now, in a new location, it's back to square one. Plus, people tend to speak less English in Phuket than they do up north. I'm not sure exactly what I ate but it was yummy and I was promised that it contained meat or fish sauce. Sometimes I just have to take their word for it.
Then, it was on to Wat Chalong which houses thirty-six individual Buddha's. I witnessed some fantastic views as the morning prayers echoed through the valley as they were being pumped through loudspeakers throughout the temple grounds. One of my favorite temple activities is to catch glimpses of shimmering sunshine off of the mirrored mosaic rooftop serpants. I got some good ones this morning.
Situated nearby, is the famous "Big Buddha." Known as the best viewpoint in Phuket, I was able to enjoy some of the surrounding scenery both during the windy trip up the mountain as well as once I reached the summit. But the sun was hot as hell so I underwent several additional applications of sunscreen. The 60-million Baht Buddha image is (after twenty years,) still undergoing completion so it's fascinating to see the project partially finished. There's a smaller Buddha image — behind the main one — which appears to be completely supported by a few cables strapped to its larger counterpart. I'm not sure if the added support is necessary due to the recent flood damage or if this is simply an intended phase of completion.
Continuing further south, Clare introduced me to Jungle Curry (a blend of curry which has a water consistency because it contains no coconut milk. Traditionally it's made with wild boar but certainly not my veggie version.) Accompanying lunch was a tour of the luxurious amenities of Sri Panwa Resort located on the Panwa Cape. No words could possibly describe the magnitude of beauty inherent in this setting. The facilities are so well-designed and beautifully maintained. The lighting, the audio, the horticulture: every detail has been met. After lunch, I was treated to a dip in a private salt-water pool, a nap in the sunshine, and an outdoor shower suspended over a pond with lily-pads and fish. Incredible.
The plan was to finish off the day with a Bikram class but the 7pm class was canceled for some holiday. Of which holiday prevented me from attempting to mend my unusually short hamsrtings, I'm unsure. In place of yoga, I spent the evening further exploring Patong which is known as one of the most tourist-infused beaches in the country.

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